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Your daily dose of art.

Every day get one piece of fine art with a short story about it. Straight to
your phone or tablet. Totally free.

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Dive into the world of art history with DailyArt

Every day get a one piece of fine art with a short story about it, and explore our vast catalogue of more than 3800 artworks, 1200 artists, 600 museums and galleries

Enjoy a curated selection of fine art picked for you.

Awe yourself with new masterpieces and art stories picked for you. With Discover feature spend hours on exploring further art history content.

Travel the world with our artsy city guides

Don't ever miss most important and interesting artworks presented in local museums and collections of the city you're visiting!

Explore thematic collections of masterpieces.

Look at art in a different way: cats in art, dogs in art, food, Italian Renaissance... look at art via thematic collections

On every device. Anytime, anywhere.

DailyArt is available on smartphones, tablets and smart watches

Adored by millions art lovers

App Store Rating
Based on 4.6k ratings on App Store
Google Play Rating
Based on 4.6k ratings on App Store

“I’ve never written a review for any app or online purchase before, but it is a pleasure to publish this one, and it is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.”

Matt Augustynowicz
Vienna, Austria

“I’ve never written a review for any app or online purchase before, but it is a pleasure to publish this one, and it is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.”

Matt Augustynowicz
Vienna, Austria

“I’ve never written a review for any app or online purchase before, but it is a pleasure to publish this one, and it is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.”

Matt Augustynowicz
Vienna, Austria

“I’ve never written a review for any app or online purchase before, but it is a pleasure to publish this one, and it is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.”

Matt Augustynowicz
Vienna, Austria

“I’ve never written a review for any app or online purchase before, but it is a pleasure to publish this one, and it is something that I’ve been meaning to do for a while.”

Matt Augustynowicz
Vienna, Austria
Available in 23 languages
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Disponible en 23 langues
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Women Artists
Greek Art
Contemporary Art
Byzantine Art
... and much more

Frequently asked questions

Why did you create this app?
Is the app one masterpiece a day and that's it?
Where do you get the content from?
What kind of art do you publish?
Why there is so little of contemporary art?
Can I use the app on multiple devices?
I purchased DailyArt PRO in the past. How does it work with the new version of the app?
Is DailyArt only an app?
I would like to help you with translating the app to my native language.