The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Albrecht Dürer - 1498 - 39 × 28 cm Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Albrecht Dürer - 1498 - 39 × 28 cm Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

woodcut • 39 × 28 cm
  • Albrecht Dürer - May 21, 1471 - April 6th, 1528 Albrecht Dürer 1498

Dramatic and scary, Dürer's woodcut depicts the passage from the Book of Revelation about the end of the world. The main characters here are: Death, Famine, War and Plague. Dürer was a typical Renaissance man - he was a painter, printmaker, engraver, mathematician, and theorist. He introduced the southern art (Italian) to the north, so he can be called a father of the German Renaissance.