Morning Sun by Edward Hopper - 1952 - 101.98 x 71.5 cm Columbus Museum of Art Morning Sun by Edward Hopper - 1952 - 101.98 x 71.5 cm Columbus Museum of Art

Morning Sun

oil on canvas • 101.98 x 71.5 cm
  • Edward Hopper - July 22, 1882 - May 15, 1967 Edward Hopper 1952

Edward Hopper was one of the early American artists to paint the experience of human isolation in the modern city. Here, the woman—modeled after Hopper’s wife, Jo—faces the sun impassively and seemingly lost in thought. Her visible right eye appears sightless, emphasizing her isolation. The bare wall and the elevation of the room above the street also suggest the bleakness and solitude of impersonal urban life.