Andy Warhol once stated, “I am a deeply superficial person.” This is a great paradoxical lens from which to approach his work: It’s rooted in pop culture, and his pieces speaks to the modern appeals of contemporary society—the urge for consumption; the taste for standardised and vibrant visuals used to advertise those products; the eagerness for entertainment and distractions… Who wouldn’t recognize Mickey Mouse? It makes us reminisce about our childhoods. In enthusiasm we welcome this frenetic repetition. Art seems to come down from its pedestal, aiming to cease the needs of every day life. No great epiphany, no moral complexities, just color, recognisable icons, and distraction. But how does art philosophy embrace this recipe? As far as Jeremy Bentham is concerned, as long as art brings happiness and amusement, then why not?

Quadrant Mickey Mouse/Myths
synthetic polymer and silkscreen inks on canvas • 60 × 60 in