Bouquet by Jan Brueghel the Elder - 1603 - 124.5 × 96.5 cm Alte Pinakothek Bouquet by Jan Brueghel the Elder - 1603 - 124.5 × 96.5 cm Alte Pinakothek


oil on panel • 124.5 × 96.5 cm
  • Jan Brueghel the Elder - 1568 - January 13, 1625 Jan Brueghel the Elder 1603

Jan Brueghel the Elder was born into the Brueghel family of famed Flemish painters. He was the son of Pieter Brueghel the Elder and the father of Jan Brueghel the Younger. He has been nicknamed "Velvet" Brueghel, "Flower" Brueghel or "Paradise" Brueghel, because he specialized in painting flowers ("floral still lifes" in the language of art). Many of his paintings are collaborations, in which other painters placed their own figures in Brueghel's landscapes. His best-known collaborator was his friend Peter Paul Rubens.