Miss La La the acrobat caused a sensation when she performed at the Cirque Fernando in Paris. Here she is shown suspended from the rafters of the circus dome by a rope clenched between her teeth. Degas sought out such striking modern subjects, concentrating on figures in arresting poses. In January 1879 he make a series of drawings at the Cirque Fernando including a pastel study of Miss La La, which culminated in this painting. We view the spectacle as the audience would have seen her, gazing up at the daring feat taking place above. The painting was exhibited at the fourth Impressionist exhibition held in April 1879. This piece always reminds me of a great U2 song: "Acrobat", from their album “Achtung Baby!” - it is equally intense.

Miss La La at the Cirque Fernando
oil on canvas • 117.2 x 77.5 cm