After the Party by Andy Warhol - 1979 - 15 x 38 cm private collection After the Party by Andy Warhol - 1979 - 15 x 38 cm private collection

After the Party

color screenprint on Arches • 15 x 38 cm
  • Andy Warhol - August 6, 1928 - February 22, 1987 Andy Warhol 1979

Warhol’s print After the Party depicts what would otherwise be a black and white photograph of scattered glasses and plates, brought to life by the rainbow gradient highlighting the scattered objects. There is an inherent chaos in the work, a feeling of excess, in part due to the reflective quality and haphazard arrangement of the glasses, the bright hues that outline the items, and the manner in which the print was created and aligned. The subject and the print itself suggest the residue of a frenzied, yet enjoyable, gathering through both compositional arrangement and artistic liberties taken by Warhol in the creation of this print. “’The best kind of party I could give would be champagne and nuts and then take everybody dancing.’” - this is what Warhol once said.