Stanisław Wyspiański was one of the greatest personalities of Polish modernism. His paintings and prints are commonly known, though he was just as passionate about typography and decorative arts.
Stanisław Wyspiański believed that a portrait is the reflection of a moment—he never painted a model, always a particular person. With great tenderness and in their own unique way, the presented images of children capture the charm, innocence, and sincerity of these exceptional models.
As early as during his studies in Paris, it turned out that Wyspiański was allergic to zinc white. It was, among other things, the reason why he began to draw with pastels and why most of his works are made using this particular technique, like the one we present today thanks to the National Museum in Krakow. Beautiful, isn't it?
Another Wyspiański's painting we featured in the DailyArt Magazine article concerning motherhood and breast feeding.
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