Are you meditating?
Meditation became quite popular recently—I must admit it helped me a lot during some bad moments. In the most general definition, meditation is a way of taking control of the mind so that it becomes peaceful and focused, and the meditator becomes more aware. Everyone can meditate today, but meditation is one of the most important tools for Buddhism. So time for a Buddha statue in DailyArt!
In this sublime and exceedingly rare early medieval depiction of the historical Buddha, he is seen seated in a yogic meditation posture, with his right hand lowered and gesturing to the Earth Goddess at the moment prior to his enlightenment, when he steadfastly resisted all the temptations of desire. He displays a number of the auspicious marks of Buddhahood (lakshanas): the extended earlobes, which serve to remind the viewer of the Buddha’s former princely status; the three rings on the neck; the forehead mark (urna, a curl of hair according to texts); and the highly pronounced skull protuberance (ushnisha). The presence of a flame-like projection surmounting the ushnisha is a rare and significant feature, for although it has a textual foundation, it is rarely represented in Tibetan or indeed Indian Buddhist art. The figure has a refined and smooth surface, with traces of gilding on the face and neck. Skillfully articulated fingers and toes add a poignantly human dimension to this otherwise rather abstracted and ethereal Buddha image. The subtle hint of a smile and the downcast expression masterfully capture the inner calm of Buddhahood and awakened bliss.
Have a calm Monday! : )
P.S. Let's take a journey to the East; here's all about Buddhist art across cultures.