As you probably know, every Sunday each month we devote to one particular museum collection. This August, we decided to focus on a particular theme in art instead and this time it will be ... DANCE! We had to start with Edgar Degas, who was fascinated by ballet. Enjoy! :)
To be honest, Degas was not only fascinated by ballet, he was obsessed with it. To him it said something about the human condition. Dance offered him a display in which he could find, after much searching, certain human secrets. These dancers are probably performing the Ballet des Roses, staged by the Paris Opera company during performances of Mozart’s Don Giovanni. Degas often used unconventional viewpoints to evoke modern urban life. We look down on these two ballerinas, as if watching them from a box beside the stage. They seem to interact, though their expressions and poses are hard to read. Our view of the third dancer, on the far left, is deliberately cut off.
P.S. See Degas' most beautiful ballerinas here! We are warning you, they are truly breathtaking!
P.P.S. You can learn more about Degas's obsessions in the DailyArt Course about Impressionism. In addition, we ask for your support as we need $100,000 to create a new DailyArt app. Learn more about our plans.