We are here, in the Christmas tree forest by Willem Wenckebach - 1898 - 34.3 x 24.5 cm Rijksmuseum We are here, in the Christmas tree forest by Willem Wenckebach - 1898 - 34.3 x 24.5 cm Rijksmuseum

We are here, in the Christmas tree forest

Ink and watercolor on paper • 34.3 x 24.5 cm
  • Willem Wenckebach - 1860 - 1937 Willem Wenckebach 1898

Merry Christmas, everyone!  :)

Today, we want to share a beautiful illustration of Christmas trees in a forest.

Willem Wenckebach was a Dutch painter, illustrator, bookbinding designer, and graphic artist. Like many artists of his era, he worked both in applied and fine arts. His applied works established him as one of the most renowned and prolific illustrators and graphic designers of his time. Originally trained as a garden architect, Willem switched to art in 1878. As a promising artist, he received a Royal Grant that allowed him to study in Paris from 1880 to 1884. Upon returning to Utrecht, he joined the Genootschap Kunstliefde (Love for Art Society) and befriended Anthon van Rappard, with whom he painted landscapes en plein air in Terschelling and Drenthe. He and Rappard resigned from the society in 1886, however, after a dispute involving the portrayal of female nudes. Through Rappard, Wenckebach met Vincent van Gogh, who encouraged him to work in Heeze, Brabant, an area popular with artists. 

In 1887, Wenckebach moved to Amsterdam to concentrate on applied arts. He joined a major printing company as an illustrator and bookbinding designer. Although this shift temporarily sidelined his painting, he gained widespread recognition for his children's book illustrations and cityscape drawings.

We hope you are having a wonderful and calm time today. Merry Christmas!  :)

P.S. If you're already thinking about preparing special food for tonight, here are fish paintings for Christmas Eve! Maybe they will inspire you!