The Cat at Play
oil on panel • 32.8 × 45.2 cm
I know that among you are some cat lovers (well, I am too, I won't lie), so we prepared something special for you - The cat at play.
Henriëtte Ronner – Knip was born in Amsterdam into a family of painters. Quite precocious, she sold her first painting at age 15. Highly decorated with a myriad of medals and honors, and having painted for many of the royalty in Europe, Ronner-Knip is well known for her paintings of domestic pets, primarily cats. Paintings of pets were popular with the wealthy bourgeois in the Victorian era, and her many paintings of cats getting into mischief in domestic scenes proved to be favorites. Mostly sentimental portrayals, her paintings rarely offer any metaphorical meanings, and are focused only on the cats themselves. She studied her cat subjects with avidity and sincerity even going so far as to construct a specially built glass-fronted studio wherein her cats could freely scamper about, sleep, and get into the type of trouble that only cats can as the prolific Ronner-Knip sketched and painted.
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