Tapestry (The Nativity) by Jan van Roome - c.1520 - 275 x 260 cm Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest Tapestry (The Nativity) by Jan van Roome - c.1520 - 275 x 260 cm Iparművészeti Múzeum, Budapest

Tapestry (The Nativity)

tapestry • 275 x 260 cm
  • Jan van Roome - c. 1498 - 1521 Jan van Roome c.1520
We haven't featured tapestries in DailyArt yet. Today looks like a good day to try them :) This finest pre-renaissance tapestry of the Museum of Applied Arts from Budapest (it is such a beautiful city!) the depicted scenes are enclosed by a border of flowers and fruits. In the middle there is a type of the Nativity scene that had spread upon the influence of late medieval mysticism: the newborn Saviour lying on the ground is adored by his mother the Virgin Mary and angels. On either side a Sibyl is standing holding a banderole with the text of her prophecy in her hands. In the top left corner the Adoration of the Magi, in the right corner the Annunciation are seen. The structure and space creation in the tapestry and the figures preserving gothic characteristics fit well in the oeuvre of Jan van Roome of Brussels, court painter of Margaret of Austria. Look at the details in a full screen mode - it is beautiful, isn't it?