Still Life with Pomegranate and Pears by Paul Cézanne - 1890 - 27 x 36 cm private collection Still Life with Pomegranate and Pears by Paul Cézanne - 1890 - 27 x 36 cm private collection

Still Life with Pomegranate and Pears

oil on canvas • 27 x 36 cm
  • Paul Cézanne - January 19, 1839 - October 22, 1906 Paul Cézanne 1890

Most of Cezanne's pictures are still lifes. These were done in the studio with simple props: a cloth, some apples, a vase or bowl, and later in his career plaster sculptures. Cézanne's still lifes are both traditional and modern. The fruits and objects are readily identifiable but they have no aroma, no sensual or tactile appeal, and no other function than as passive decorative objects coexisting in the same flat space. Also they bear no relationship to the colorful vegetables of Provence: gorgeous red tomatoes, purple aubergines, and bright green courgettes. In his pursuit of the essence of art, Cézanne had to suppress earthly delights.