Today is my name day so I want to present to you one of my favorite artists. Here he is - Austrian painter Egon Schiele who was was a protégé of Gustav Klimt. Schiele’s works were often grotesque, erotic or disturbing. His drawings and paintings marked Schiele as an early exponent of Expressionism. Progressively, Schiele's work grew more complex and thematic, and after his imprisonment in 1912 he dealt with themes such as death and rebirth, although female nudes remained his main output. During the war Schiele's paintings became larger and more detailed, when he had the time to produce them. His military service however gave him limited time, and much of his output consisted of linear drawings of scenery and military officers. Around this time Schiele also began experimenting with the theme of motherhood and family. His wife Edith was the model for most of his female figures, but during the war due to circumstance, many of his sitters were male. Since 1915, Schiele's female nudes had become fuller in figure, but many were deliberately illustrated with a lifeless doll-like appearance.Towards the end of his life, Schiele drew many natural and architectural subjects. Some view Schiele's work as being grotesque, erotic, pornographic, or disturbing, focusing on sex, death, and discovery. I hope you liked today's piece!
- Zuzanna
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Mother and Daughter
pencil and gouache on paper • 31.1 x 47.9 cm