The Blue Rigi, Sunrise by Joseph Mallord William Turner - 1842 Tate Modern The Blue Rigi, Sunrise by Joseph Mallord William Turner - 1842 Tate Modern

The Blue Rigi, Sunrise

watercolor •
  • Joseph Mallord William Turner - 1775 - December 19, 1851 Joseph Mallord William Turner 1842

"The Blue Rigi", a misty, high-backed mountain which looms over Lake Lucerne in was created during a series of Turner's visits to Italy and Switzerland in the 1830s and 40s. It is one of his most famous watercolors.

The changing effects of light and colour, sun and mist so fascinated Turner that he painted the view obsessively. As well as the Blue Rigi, there is a Red Rigi, a Dark Rigi, and upwards of 30 sketches and drawings of the mountain, plus many other prospects of the Alps around Lucerne. They made a powerful impact back in Britain and, due in part to Turner’s work, The Rigi quickly acquired an iconic status among the leisured classes.