It's another day with Rembrandt. : ) This self-portrait can be seen in Rembrandthuis in Amsterdam. Don't miss it when you are in Holland!
In this iconic image, Rembrandt presented himself at the age of 42, not as an ideal but in a matter-of-fact way, as an artist at work, interrupted with etching needle or pen in hand. The captivating honesty of his direct gaze draws the viewer into the tranquil and dim space. It is his last etched official self-portrait, where we see him as a serious artist concentrating on his work—probably an etching. He is dressed in a mantle and hat of the kind he wore in his studio. Rembrandt has built up the delicate intermediate facial tones in a layered combination of etching with a burin and dry-point technique. His face emerges from the darkness through the light streaming in from the left.
Have a great Friday!
P.S. See also Rembrandt's Self-Portrait With Curly Hair from this wonderful museum!