Have you ever seen such a cute she-wolf? : )
In the Roman foundation myth, it was a she-wolf that nursed and sheltered the twins Romulus and Remus after they were abandoned in the wild by order of King Amulius of Alba Longa. She cared for the infants at her den, a cave known as the Lupercal, until they were discovered by a shepherd, Faustulus. Romulus would later become the founder and first king of Rome. The image of the she-wolf suckling the twins has been a symbol of Rome since ancient times and is one of the most recognizable icons of ancient mythology.
This mosaic was found in Aldborough in North Yorkshire in England, which in Ancient times was called Isurium or Isurium of the Brigantes (Latin: Isurium Brigantum). It was a Roman fort and town in the province of Britannia. This Roman civitas was the administrative centre of the Brigantes tribe, the largest and most northerly tribe in Roman Britain.
She is really smiling! :D
P.S. Another myth about founding Rome is the story of how King Romulus of Rome took by force the Sabine women. It has fascinated artists for centuries and you can read more about it here.