The Prodigal Son cycle by Bartolomé Esteban Murillo (1617–1682) explores sin, repentance, and forgiveness across six paintings, staged in 17th-century Seville. Today we present one painting of this cycle, which has been recently restored by the National Gallery of Ireland with amazing results.
Sources for inspiration for the Prodigal Son series included an engraving by German Renaissance master Albrecht Dürer and a set of etchings by French artist Jacques Callot. This is the only intact narrative cycle by Murillo in the world, and one of two that this great master ever created. While this story was a popular subject with northern European artists, Murillo’s paintings represent the first time a Spanish artist painted the story in serial form. It was an unusual approach for Murillo to take with a religious subject; most Spanish artists at that time chose to focus on single episodes from religious stories.
The whole scene is so Baroque! I love that broom! :D
If the pandemic hadn't shut down the museum, you could see the whole cycle at the National Gallery of Ireland. But as the museum is closed, you can visit the exhibition virtually here.
P.S. Read here about the five greatest Baroque painters and their work. <3