Enjoying Coffee by Unknown Artist - First half of the 18th Century - 101.5 x 112 cm Pera Museum Enjoying Coffee by Unknown Artist - First half of the 18th Century - 101.5 x 112 cm Pera Museum

Enjoying Coffee

oil on canvas • 101.5 x 112 cm
  • Unknown Artist Unknown Artist First half of the 18th Century

In this painting, an Ottoman lady drinking coffee and her servant are depicted in dresses in the fashion of those days. The source of its inspiration is Turkish Girl Drinking Coffee on the Divan, an engraving found in a book illustrated by Vanmour, Recueil de cent estampes répresentant differentes nations du Levant. The difference is that the servant offering the coffee is not standing; she squats to the left of her lady. Both the necklace around the neck of the lady and the ornate headdresses are copied from the pictures of two women in the book Reisen van Cornelis de Bruyn, first published in 1698 by Cornelis de Bruyn, a Dutch traveler and painter who came to the Ottoman Empire in the 17th century.

It is a vision of a Turkish woman drinking coffee; it is so beautiful!  : )

P.S. Coffee or tea? Or maybe beer? Here are drinks in the art for all tastes!