Dear Users, Sundays in July in DailyArt will be devoted to the Frick Collection. This means that for the next four Sundays we will present masterpieces from their collection; we will also overshare their stuff on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter ... do you follow our accounts?) and today we start with this amazing Vermeer. Enjoy!
In what may be one of the first works of his mature style, Vermeer transforms the theme of a girl entertaining her suitor, already popular in Dutch art, into a dazzling study of light-filled space. The dark foil of the officer’s silhouette dramatizes both the illusion of depth and the brilliant play of light over the woman and the furnishings of the chamber. The map of Holland on the far wall, oriented with west at the top, was first published in 1621. Both the map and the chairs appear in other paintings by Vermeer.