This is one of Larsson’s most famous watercolors from Lilla Hyttnäs (a place in Sweden). The interior illustrates several of the ideals that Ellen Key, Swedish difference feminist writer, presented in her book Beauty for All.
Daylight pours in and through the open window and the room is filled with fresh air. The heavy 19th-century curtains with tassels, fringes, and dust-gathering drapes are conspicuously absent here. On the windowsill are plants in plain clay pots. There are no brightly painted flowerpots decorated with raised floral or animal motifs. The ideal object, according to Key, simply serves its purpose. Pots are for flowers, and the best adornment for a windowsill was natural, green plants—not richly-decorated flowerpots. Carl Larsson’s A Home stated clearly that “artificial flowers with ribbons, dust, and microbes” were not desirable.
We present this work thanks to the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm. : )
P.S. Here's more on Carl Larsson and his cozy house, <3