This painting depicts Lake Keitele, located in central Finland. The zigzag pattern on the water’s surface is a natural phenomenon, resulting from the wind interacting with the lake’s currents. It also symbolizes the wake of Väinämöinen, the poet-hero from the Finnish epic Kalevala, as he rows across the lake. For Finnish nationalists in the late 19th century, Kalevala was more than just a myth—it was a symbol of their quest for autonomy (as Finland was a part of the Russian Empire then), adding a deeper political resonance to the image of Lake Keitele.
The composition of the painting is especially striking. Broad, blue-gray diagonal bands sweep across the lake’s surface in a nearly flat, abstract design, contrasted by the more realistic rendering of shimmering waves and ripples in the foreground. The use of bare canvas in certain areas adds texture and depth. Gallen-Kallela adopts a deliberately archaic style, influenced by the decorative abstraction and primitivism of Paul Gauguin, as well as Finnish folk art. The design also echoes the aesthetics of stained glass, textiles, and media, with which Gallen-Kallela was also familiar.
P.S. This stunning depiction of nature is featured in our 2025 Wall Calendar. Check it out in the DailyArt Shop! :)
P.P.S. Check out the finest lake paintings in art history!