After the Storm by Sarah Bernhardt - ca. 1876 - 29 1/2 x 24 x 23 in National Museum of Women in the Arts After the Storm by Sarah Bernhardt - ca. 1876 - 29 1/2 x 24 x 23 in National Museum of Women in the Arts

After the Storm

white marble • 29 1/2 x 24 x 23 in
  • Sarah Bernhardt - 22 or 23 October 1844 - 26 March 1923 Sarah Bernhardt ca. 1876

We continue our special month with the National Museum of Women in the Arts collection with this surprising piece! Enjoy!  : )

After the Storm depicts a Breton peasant woman cradling the body of her grandson who had been caught in a fisherman’s nets. Sarah Bernhardt had seen this woman on the seashore and was moved by her story, which ended tragically with the death of the child. But in Bernhardt’s sculpture the child’s right hand grips the woman’s garment, perhaps suggesting the possibility of a more hopeful ending.

The artist allegedly took anatomy lessons specifically to convey the intensity of the subject. Her ability to render textures from smooth skin to rough nets adds to the naturalism of the piece. Bernhardt’s arrangement of the figures suggests her knowledge of works, such as Michelangelo’s Pieta, in which the Virgin Mary supports the dead Christ on her lap.

When the large original plaster cast for this work was exhibited at the Salon in 1876, it won a silver medal. Two years later, the artist sold the rights to reproduce Après la tempête to the dealer Henri Gambard, who appears to have commissioned very few duplicates. The sculpture in NMWA’s collection seems to be unique and may in fact be the one that was sold in the artist’s estate sale in 1923, as no other marble versions are documented.

Sarah Bernhardt is best known for her work as an actress; she was a superstar and the most popular actress of late 19th century and early 20th century. But what not many people know is that she was also a sculptor and a very talented one, as we can see today.  : ))

P.S. Here you can get to know more about the amazing Sarah Bernhardt <3.