Matrosbalen by Eugène Jansson - 1912 - 222.5 X 242.5 cm Sjöhistoriska museet Matrosbalen by Eugène Jansson - 1912 - 222.5 X 242.5 cm Sjöhistoriska museet


oil on canvas • 222.5 X 242.5 cm
  • Eugène Jansson - 18 March 1862 - 15 June 1915 Eugène Jansson 1912

We have devoted August Sundays to the theme of dance! So it is time for a new one.  :)

Matrosbalen is set in the old exercise hall on Skeppsholmen in Stockholm. In 1912 every Sunday, dancing was arranged there. Signal flags in variegated colors hang from the ceiling together with brightly lit chandeliers. The dance that is depicted is pas-de-quatre, a popular ballroom dance at the turn of the 20th century. Eugène Jansson loved to depict the dense atmosphere in the crowds and the sailors in their tight uniforms.

Jansson was a Swedish painter known for his night-time landscapes and cityscapes dominated by shades of blue. This has caused him to sometimes be referred to as blåmålaren, "the blue-painter." Towards the end of his life, from about 1904, he mainly painted male nudes.

Later this exercise hall became the entrance hall to the old Moderna Museum.  :)

P.S. Let's take a peek at another artsy dance scene taking place in the [in]famous Moulin Rouge

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