We usually don't involve DailyArt into politics, but today is a very important day for the USA and, as it seems, for the world. Dear American users of DailyArt, go vote and vote responsibly!
Today's painting was created by Frederick Childe Hassam. In the late 1880s, Hassam studied in France where he got inspired by the Impressionists, whose broken brushwork and high-toned palette he emulated.
The Avenue in the Rain was painted at the height of Hassam's capabilities, and is one of some 30 related paintings of flag-decorated streets that the artist produced between 1916 and 1919, during and immediately after the First World War. Hassam had long painted city views, and the ones in the flag series represent the climax of his career. The avenue is Fifth Avenue, frequently decorated with flags as American sentiment moved inexorably from isolationism toward intervention. The artist's most striking device here is the projection of flags into the picture from unseen points of anchor beyond the frame, covering a quarter of the surface of the painting. In one sense the flags become the surface of the painting, an identity seconded by the tall "hanging" format, which echoes a flag's shape.
See you tomorrow!
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