Helene Schjerfbeck was a renowned Finnish artist known for her Modernist and Expressionist works, predominantly portraits and self-portraits. Today, we present one of her last paintings, depicting yellow roses.
Schjerfbeck's paintings are characterized by a refined and delicate color palette, keen attention to light, and often, a sense of melancholy and introspection. She evolved her style over the years from detailed realism to a more minimal and abstract approach, with her later works characterized by broad, loose brushwork and a pared-down composition. Please look at the harmonious balance of color and light, executed with her characteristic sensitivity and subtlety.
This beautiful and meditative piece of art is featured in our Flowers in Art - 50 Postcards Set, which you can check out in the DailyArt Shop. :)
P.S. Read more about Helena Sofia Schjerfbeck and how her unique style evolved throughout her life.