You know that we like to surprise you! Would you ever expect us to feature a mosaic with a camel?
This depiction of a grazing camel likely originated from a larger composition featuring multiple animals, once adorning the floor of a semipublic area in a private residence, such as a reception or dining room. The camel is set against a white background adorned with delicate florets, with a bell hanging from its neck as it stretches toward an object (possibly a water vessel) positioned in the lower right. The animal’s knobby contours are highlighted by skillfully shaded areas in subtly varied hues of black, brown, brick red, and olive green, enhancing its form and texture.
P.S. Mosaics have been one of the most popular forms of art in antiquity. Now you can test your knowledge in our ancient mosaics QUIZ! For more ancient mosaic art, see the articles below.
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