Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus by Angelica Kauffman - 1774 - 63.8 x 90.9 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Houston Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus by Angelica Kauffman - 1774 - 63.8 x 90.9 cm Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Ariadne Abandoned by Theseus

Oil on canvas • 63.8 x 90.9 cm
  • Angelica Kauffman - 30 October 1741 - 5 November 1807 Angelica Kauffman 1774

Born in Switzerland, trained in Italy, and celebrated in England, Angelica Kauffman emerged as one of Europe's foremost Neoclassical painters. Renowned for her portraits of affluent aristocrats, tourists, and celebrities, she also explored historical and mythological themes, drawing inspiration from the classical frescoes being unearthed at Pompeii. In the Greek myth of Theseus and the Minotaur, Theseus escapes the labyrinth with the help of his lover, Ariadne, only to abandon her on the Aegean island of Naxos. In this work, Kauffman captures the poignant moment when Ariadne, left behind, turns away in despair as Theseus's ship departs.

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P.P.S. Kauffman was one of the most successful artists of 18th century Europe. Discover Angelica Kauffman's Neoclassical paintings