Look what a beautiful landscape we have for you today!
Gunnar Widforss was a Swedish-American artist who specialized in painting subjects from the wilderness in watercolor. He was most frequently associated with landscapes from American National Parks. Soon after arriving in California in early 1921, Widforss made his way to Yosemite Valley. He continued exploring the California coast and made many paintings of the dramatic scenery and atmospheric effects found in these newly discovered landscapes. Earlier in his career Widforss had established a pattern of working at popular destinations for tourists where he could be assured of sales. This is a pattern that he followed after his arrival in the West.
The artist left a great legacy and inspiration for the realistic painters of western landscapes. The accuracy of his drawing and use of color and his ability to express deep space and atmospheric effects are unrivaled. In his commitment to the truth and beauty of his subject, Widforss never resorted to sentimental or romanticized depictions, so prevalent in depictions of the West.
P.S. We've just released a new online course: Cubism 101 - an introduction to the movement that changed the trajectory of modern art. Check it out here!