The Legend of the True Cross - The Dream of Constantine by Piero della Francesca - c. 1455-1466 - no info Basilica di San Francesco The Legend of the True Cross - The Dream of Constantine by Piero della Francesca - c. 1455-1466 - no info Basilica di San Francesco

The Legend of the True Cross - The Dream of Constantine

fresco • no info
  • Piero della Francesca - c. 1415 - October 12, 1492 Piero della Francesca c. 1455-1466

The Legend of the True Cross is a sequence of frescoes in the Basilica of San Francesco in Arezzo, Italy. In the segment presented here, you can see the story of Constantine the Great, before the battle of Milvian Bridge, awakened by an angel who shows him the cross in Heaven. Bearing an image of the same cross on his shield, Constantine slew the enemy and later converted to Christianity. It is the largest work of della Francesca and is generally considered to be one of his finest. What’s more, this fresco is considered to be the first nocturnal scene in Western art.