This sensual scene between Jupiter and Io is inspired by Ovid's classic, the Metamorphoses. Io, daughter of Inachus, the first king of Argos, is seduced by Jupiter (Zeus in Greek), who hides behind the dunes to avoid hurting the jealous Juno (Hera in Greek). Jupiter was often tempted by other women and took on various disguises to cover his various escapades: for instance one time taking the form of a swan and another time of an eagle. In this painting he is not becoming something else so much as enveloping himself in a dark cloud, even though it is bright daylight. He is embracing the nymph, his face barely visible above hers. Io is pulling Jupiter's vague, smoky hand towards herself with barely contained sensuality. At one point, the Duke of Mantua, Federico Gonzaga, wanted to place this painting and its companion pieces in a room dedicated to the many loves of Jupiter.

Jupiter and Io
oil on canvas • 163.5 cm × 70.5 cm