Today we start our micro-project within DailyArt - Twice a week for one month, we will present pieces of contemporary art from the collection of the Museum of Contemporary Art in Cracow, Poland. We hope you enjoy it!
The title paraphrases T.S. Eliot’s: ‘All the women are one woman’. The left-hand side of the work is dedicated to woman: in the center of the rosette is a monument of Mother Russia in Leningrad. Still frames from TV programmes depicting female dancers, the Miss America contest and little Chinese girls singing in praise of Chairman Mao, have been placed at the top and bottom of the triangle. The right-hand side of the work is dedicated to man: in the center of the rosette is a monument from Magnitogorsk – a symbol of the industrial might of the Soviet Union. Still frames from TV programmes showing soldiers from various armies of the world have been placed along the top and bottom of the triangle. While the border shows still frames from a documentary about execution by shooting.