We start our special month with Kröller-Müller Museum's The beginning of a new world exhibition (on view until 29 September 2019) with Marino Marini's sculpture, Cavallo e cavaliere, (Horse and rider). Marini was one of the most important sculptors of 20th century, famous of creating equestrian sculptures, like today's! Enjoy! : )
Equestrian sculptures are the central theme in Marini’s work. This places him in line with Italian art history, in which equestrian statues of rulers play an important role. But he also reacts against fascist art with its heavy emphasis on power and domination. Marini creates his equestrian sculptures in bronze or wood, often with color to reinforce the expressiveness. The theme of the horse and rider is of great emotional significance to him, as it symbolizes human existence. There are sculptures in which the rider sits upright and relaxed and sculptures of a horse rearing up with no rider. In this work the rider raises his arms in the air in panic. The horse tosses its head back and seems to want to throw the man off. Marini sees these different versions respectively as expressions of unity, powerlessness, and upset balance. In this work he shows the dependency and vulnerability of humankind.
Read more about the exhibition here!