Bouddha Maravijaya by Unknown Artist - 10th century - 48cm Musée Guimet Bouddha Maravijaya by Unknown Artist - 10th century - 48cm Musée Guimet

Bouddha Maravijaya

basalt • 48cm
  • Unknown Artist Unknown Artist 10th century

Buddha is the founder of bouddhism. He was called Siddhārtha Gautama and the name of Buddha means the « awakened one », the one who reached the enlightenment – a kind of transcendental truth. This scuplture represent the « earth witness » posture of Buddha. While meditating to find the enlightenment, he was tempted by the demon Mara who sent his daughters to seduce him. To prove to Mara his faithful attitude, he touched the earth and asked the Goddess of Earth to witness him. His is seated on a lotus throne and is surrounded by characters. The two flying characters are bringing necklaces for him. The halo around his head and the parasol above shows his deity status. Buddha’s face always carries the same features, like long ears, curl hair, and the ushnisha, the cranial knob.

- Coraline Méric

P.S. Lakshmi is a prominent Hindu deity who is also revered by Buddhists and Jains. Read more about Lakshmi here and see how she's depicted by the artists!