This bouquet is past its best. The flowers are drooping and starting to fade. In the middle, a wilted opium poppy has been cut off. The empty space left there lends depth to the bouquet. Rachel Ruysch specialized in this sort of profuse flower still-life. She inherited her love of flowers and plants from her father, the renowned Amsterdam botanist Frederik Ruysch. Rachel had an international career as a painter and worked until a ripe old age.
We present today's painting thanks to the Mauritshuis in the Hague. : )
If you're up for more women artists or more flowers and nature, we have them in our DailyArt 2020 wall and desk calendars, which you can check out in our online shop. : )
P.S. I guess the most famous flowers in art history are van Gogh's Sunflowers! Broaden your knowledge about the famous painting here!