If you're looking for artsy paper calendars for 2020, we have something for you: DailyArt calendars! Check them out here! : )
There are so many widely unknown masterpieces of Hopper that I'm usually shocked when I discover things like today's drawing. It looks totally non-Hopperish. The 1906 painting is the earliest among Hopper's works at the Whitney Museum. Hopper was around 24 years old when he made the drawing and was just on his way to his characteristic style. A year before, Hopper began working as an illustrator for a New York City advertising agency but never really liked illustrating and longed for the freedom to paint from his imagination. Unfortunately, success was slow in coming and he was forced to earn his living as an illustrator for nearly 20 more years until his painting career took off.
It is quite a surreal scene but I truly love it. Have a great Saturday!
P.S. Here are more Edward Hopper’s drawings that will blow your mind!