Today is International Cat Day!
At DailyArt we are all cat lovers so today we present to you: CATS PLAYING A PIANO!!
If you love cats in paintings, you must know the name of today's artist: Henriëtte Ronner-Knip. This Dutch painter is well known for her paintings of domestic pets, primarily cats. Paintings of pets were popular with the rich and spoiled bourgeois in the Victorian era. Ronner-Knip studied her cat subjects with sincerity even going so far as to construct a specially built glass-fronted studio wherein her cats could freely sleep, play, sleep again, and do all the cat-stuff. Her depictions are totally sentimental and don't have any profound metaphorical meanings—but does it matter when it comes to cats?
Happy International Cat Day!
P.S. Don't forget to check here these 15 cats in art history every cat lover would love! We are celebrating a cat week in DailyArt Magazine so check also for the latest articles. : )