Queen of France, Archduchess Marie-Antoinette by Élisabeth Vigee Le Brun - 1778 - 273 x 193,5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum Queen of France, Archduchess Marie-Antoinette by Élisabeth Vigee Le Brun - 1778 - 273 x 193,5 cm Kunsthistorisches Museum

Queen of France, Archduchess Marie-Antoinette

oil on canvas • 273 x 193,5 cm
  • Élisabeth Vigee Le Brun - April 16, 1755 - March 30, 1842 Élisabeth Vigee Le Brun 1778

We continue the special month with the masterpieces from the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. ENJOY!

Marie Antoinette, the youngest daughter of Emperor Francis I and Maria Theresa, wears a robe à l’anglaise with her hair piled up in an elaborate style. The bust of Louis XVI, whom she married in 1770, can be seen in the upper-right corner. The painting was destined for the young queen’s mother in Vienna, who responded to her daughter with the words: “I am delighted with your large portrait!” and displayed the painting in the Hofburg Palace.

P.S. Click here to discover the dramatic story of Marie Antoinette's life through her portraits!

P.P.S. Speaking of museums and amazing masterpieces ... if you love to take notes while you contemplate art, we have designed a special handcrafted Art Journal for you. Check them out here!