Untitled by Aleksandra Waliszewska - 2009-2013 - 25 x 35 cm Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw Untitled by Aleksandra Waliszewska - 2009-2013 - 25 x 35 cm Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw


gouache • 25 x 35 cm
  • Aleksandra Waliszewska - 1976 Aleksandra Waliszewska 2009-2013

Today's artwork is presented in the framework of our new project "DailyArt Goes Contemporary" in cooperation with the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw. Until March 11th every Tuesday and Saturday we will show you the works of contemporary Polish artists that are now displayed in "As You Can See" exhibition at MoMA Warsaw. We hope it will be a new, but pleasurable and interesting experience for you. Enjoy!

Aleksandra Waliszewska – born 1976 in Warsaw, where she lives and works. A painter; in the last few years she has been producing mainly drawings and gouaches. The Capsule, a 2012 film made by the Greek director Athina Rachel Tsangari was based on her works. In her art, Waliszewska explores non-contemporary sources. Some of the work presented at the exhibition is a homage to the late-16th century draughtsman and engraver Jan Ziarnko. In recent years, the artist has repeatedly returned to the themes of oppression, torture, sexual subjugation and bestiality, both in the sense of hybrid species and bloodthirsty behaviour. The victims – less frequently than the perpetrators – are women, at the mercy of humanoid beasts and sadistic men. Waliszewska’s monumental opus is a morality tale for our time, one splintered into thousands of chapters. As the artist put it in a conversation with Maurizio Cattelan, it is a ‘warning against evil before the time of joy and sweetness comes’