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Many of Toulouse-Lautrec's masterpieces are set in the brothel in Rue des Moulins, which opened in 1895. Thanks to the typical gestures and expressive faces, recorded with sharp psychological observation, some resident cocottes can be recognized on several pictures. Some of the exaggeratingly presented ladies here are also known by name. The fourth member of the company at the table can be seen only in the mirror. The fast, sketch-like brushstrokes in several places left the board's own color exposed, and with its raw materiality and warm tone it fits integrally in the composition’s atmosphere.
Dear all, as we have promised - we want to start translating DailyArt to other languagues. If English is not your first language, we would love to know your opinion about with which languages we should start! Here is our quick survey. Thank you for your help! :))